
Nanodigmbio continued to fight against COVID-19 by providing free test components and donating 1 million RMB

View: 6694 / Time: 2020-02-27
In the past two months, the whole country is under coronavirus shadow. Although Nanodigmbio is not on the front of the battle, we are keeping our social responsibility in mind. We promise to be always standing with our partners and customers and giving our full support.

On February 18, 2020, Nandigmbio donated 1 million RMB by the Guangdong Provincial Hetaoxiang Medical Charity Foundation to support Dr. Nanshan Zhong's research group. In early February, we urgently ordered 25,000 reactions of the IDT 2019-nCoV Kit based on RT-PCR technology and provided those kits to the independent clinical laboratories freely to combat the epidemic. In mid-February, as a NGS total solution provider, we provide free COVID-19 targeted capture probes to related companies and institutions, in order to help analyze whole genome of COVID-19.

No matter to develop new methods to detect virus, or put forward the frontiers of the fundamental research, it is necessary for long-time dedication. Nanodigmbio will always provide rigorous products and solution to researchers and fulfill our social responsibility as a technology company specialized in biology.
